Wednesday, July 13, 2016

[WoW] Post-Midsummer Fire Festival '16

Failed to pick up the pet again this year from the festival vendors, but it's okay, because I have spent quite a lot of time on just leveling up the pets I currently have. I will get the pet from the Holiday sooner or later, but for now it's okay that I didn't get him.

Paragon the Warrior: Flame Warden of '09.
Railene the Paladin: Flame Warden of '09.
Xardion the Death Knight: Flame Warden of '11.
Laviana the Mage: Flame Warden of '11.
Sollexi the Rogue: Flame Warden of '12.
Arcia the Druid: Flame Warden '10.

Ferenan the Monk: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Yesira the Blood Knight: Unofficial Flame Keeper of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Shaman: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Hunter: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Warlock: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Warrior: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 25% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Warrior II: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 0% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Paladin: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 0% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Paladin II: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 25% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Horde Warrior: Unofficial Flame Keeper of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 25% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Mage: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 0% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Warrior III: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 0% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Druid: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 0% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Hunter II: Unofficial Flame Warden of '09 due to account-wide achievements. No progress made on any achievements. 0% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.