Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hardmode Reroll: The Story of Kutira (Day 4)

Name: Kutira
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Spec: Fury/Protection
Guild: <Reckless Minority>
Server: Alterac Mountains-US

Completed Questing Areas:
Northern Barrens
Eversong Woods
Tirisfal Glades
Azshara (All three completed 'Glutton' achievements, plus 'Joy Ride')
Silverpine Forest
Hillsbrad Foothills
Stonetalon Mountains

Completed Dungeons [Weapon Hoarding]:
Ragefire Chasm [Oggleflint's Inspirer, Cursed Felblade, Bazzalan's Blade]
Deadmines [Smite's Reaver, Cookie's Tenderizer]
Wailing Caverns [Stinging Viper, Worn Turtle Shell Shield]
Shadowfang Keep [Baron's Scepter, Commander's Crest, Haunting Blade]
Stormwind Stockades [Cold Iron Pick]
Blackfathom Deeps [-]
Gnomeregan [Hydrocane]
Razorfen Kraul [Thornspike]
Maraudon [-]
Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard [-]
Scarlet Monastery: Library [-]
Scarlet Monastery: Armory [Ravager]
Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral [Aegis of the Scarlet Commander]

The day started off with me stealthily sneaking my way into Darnassus to get the Elder there, and then moving on to Dolanaar deep inside Teldrassil. Successfully acquiring that Elder as well, I explored Teldrassil's treetop landscape, before moving on to more important things..

I have crushed the three mighty beasts of Ashenvale; Sharptalon, Shadumbra, and Ursangous. Created and used the Goblin bombs on flyovers on Astranaar. Vanquished the enraged fire elementals at the behest of his other elemental brethren. Decimated the mighty furbolg villages and saved a captured Tauren. Cleared the Zoram Strand of naga, hydra, and the vicious Vorsha the Lasher. Delved into the caves of the Blackfathom Deeps for crystals and to spill naga-witch blood. Ashenvale.. Belongs to the Horde.

I mapped out the region of Ashenvale and then accessed the nooks and crannies of the region of Darkshore before heading down into the Stonetalon Mountains to work under Overlord Krom'gar. I quickly established myself among his recruits, slaying the Alliance and retrieving the battle plans for an attack on Krom'gar Fortress. I helped Clarissa rebuild her Large Daddy.. And then used his power to decimate the gnomish engineers and their robots down in the Windshear Valley. I assisted the idiot scouts down in the Deep Reaches at gathering materials, killing elementals, and saving peons. I refueled our bomb at the Sludgewerks and killed wyverns for a goblin; which probably wasn't a good idea in hindsight.

I met with General Grebo and High Chieftain Cliffwalker at Cliffwalker Post. I used a demolisher to.. ... Demolish the Alliance army and their glaive throwers. I learnt of deception and betrayal, and assisted in committing treason against the "new Horde." After becoming Krom'gar's new General after Grebo's death at my own hands, I watched the destruction of the druid's Thal'darah Grove at the insane hands of Overlord Krom'gar... Who then was 'dismissed' from duty by the Warchief himself. He also met face-to-ground shortly after his dismissal a little further down the cliff wall. Garrosh stripped my rank of General out from under me, but let me keep my head at the behest of High Chieftain Cliffwalker.

With nothing left for me in Stonetalon Mountain after the destruction of the Grove and the death of my commanding officer, I decided to move on over to the Arathi Highlands where the Banshee Queen had requested I go. Just because I'm an orc doesn't mean I work for Garrosh, y'know? I met with Dark Ranger Alina and the recently resurrected Galen Trollbane on a mission to destroy the Boulderfist ogres, rip the amulets from the gushing throats of the Syndicate, and reclaim the sword Trol'kalar. Proving successful in all these endeavors, especially the killing of humans, I was sent to Hammerfall, where I fell into a trap.

Called to a stone near the Eastern Binding, I was convinced that I would be helping a Goddess escape her prison. After retrieving the keys from the other three Circles and crushing the elementals present, I crushed a rock giant to retrieve the final piece of the puzzle. Using the three keys to unlock the obelisk, I inserted the Rod of Order to unlock Myzrael from her imprisonment. Convinced that this was no longer a wonderful idea, I conversed with Zaruk who told me to summon her early, crush her hopes and dreams, and re-shackle her back to her stone. She was a handful, she was, and quite angry at my turn-coating, but I did what needed to be done and removed that particular problem from the face of Azeroth.

After all that excitement, I was left with one task.. Kill the Witherbark Trolls and make sure they knew that the Horde wasn't going to put up with their crap. An orc killing trolls.. I feel like Garrosh and Vol'jin. *cough* Goutgut, one of Dark Ranger Alina's companions, wanted me to go to Faldir's Cove and see his friend Lolo.. So.. Uh.. I'm gonna go there now. Okay, bye.

Signing off for journal entry two, Kutira.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hardmode Reroll: The Story of Kutira (Day 1*)

Name: Kutira
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Spec: Fury/Protection
Guild: <Reckless Minority>
Server: Alterac Mountains-US

I wish I had thought of this back at the beginning, so I could have kept track of story of Kutira from start-to-finish, but I'm still relatively low level, so starting this "late" shouldn't be a huge issue.

Completed Questing Areas:
Northern Barrens
Eversong Woods
Tirisfal Glades
Azshara (All three completed 'Glutton' achievements, plus 'Joy Ride')
Silverpine Forest
Hillsbrad Foothills

Completed Dungeons [Weapon Hoarding]:
Ragefire Chasm [Oggleflint's Inspirer, Cursed Felblade, Bazzalan's Blade]
Deadmines [Smite's Reaver, Cookie's Tenderizer]
Wailing Caverns [Stinging Viper, Worn Turtle Shell Shield]
Shadowfang Keep [Baron's Scepter, Commander's Crest, Haunting Blade]
Stormwind Stockades [Cold Iron Pick]
Blackfathom Deeps [-]
Gnomeregan [Hydrocane]
Razorfen Kraul [Thornspike]

My current questing area is Ashenvale. I have rode Brutusk the Kodo until his death, diverted the siege on Splintertree Post, performed genocide on the demons of Demon Fall Canyon; the dreadlords included, and learned just how sneaky I am not while doing anti-night elf espionage and assassinations. My current objectives are to relieve a orc warlock of his head, break the horns off of some dead satyr, and to head all the way across Ashenvale to meet up with the commander of another Horde outpost. But..

I put all of that on hold. Because the Lunar Festival started, and I'm a Holiday Whore, as my previous posts about HOLIDAYS could have probably told you. So I began my holiday routine on my main server and knocked out (4) of my (6) 85s and then came back.. And decided that Kutira needed the same level of dedication to achievements. I mean, damn.. There's free master flying involved in this. Plus, free exp and money. It's win/win/win for me.

Nabbed the Elder in Orgrimmar, then the one in Thunder Bluff, then scooted over to the Eastern Kingdoms and started lodging my complaints against the placement of Elders. Spent ~100 deaths attempting and succeeding to get the Ironforge and Stormwind Elders. Determination is key, and macros. Definitely macros. Pushed on and eventually had the insane idea to go after Uldum's Elders, after finishing Tanaris. I succeeded at getting the Uldum ones, too. As well as exploring the entire zone on a 60% riding ground mount. Without assistance from any level 80+s. Got the help of a warlock buddy [Awakened] and some priestly ladies [Effy and Illuminate] to Warlock summon me into Deepholm to get the Elder at the Temple of Earth, and then the one over at Stonehearth. Rather than have them summon me back to the Temple to leave, I ran. Levitated, mostly. They Life-Gripped me around the mobs and through them, as they escorted me all the way back to the Temple. I "awarded" them 1000 'Kutira Rep' a piece, and then went back to doing Eastern Kingdoms following that success.

Once I had finished off all of Eastern Kingdoms, I took a small break to do a little PvP. I was level 38 by this point; gaining (4) levels from exploring and Elder quests. I garnered up enough Honor to purchase most of the PvP awards from the quartermasters of the Warsong Outriders and the Defilers. After scraping myself off of the floor of many Alliance wins, I finally took the trek into Twilight Highlands to knock those Elders. Despite Twilight Highlands being a higher level than both Deepholm and Uldum, I had an easier time exploring and getting the Elders there than both of those combined. Wish I could fly, as the only way to complete the exploration of Twilight Highlands is to be able to fly up to the Vermillion Redoubt. Or be ported by a Warlock. ;D

As I finished that off, I moved on to Kalimdor Elders, since I was finished with the Eastern Kingdom Elders, as well as the Cataclysm Elders; sans the Elder in Vashj'ir. Which is what I'm currently doing as I'm typing out this blog post. Silithus was a horrible experience, which seemed pretty normal. I'll be putting off the Darnassus, Dolanaar, and the two Elders in Mount Hyjal for the next time, so that I can put lots of time and patience into corpse running. I'll more than likely end up exploring all of Hyjal after getting those Elders as well. It seems to work out pretty well.

All in all.. A pretty good and productive day. I ran Razorfen Kraul and Scarlet Monastery: Armory today as well, not that anything awesome really came out of those. Gained a total of (7) levels. Which I just gained my 7th level as of the end of this post.

Signing off for Journal Entry one, Kutira.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Name Changes and Other Things

Paying attention to my character navigation bar on the side, you'll notice that Buttske and Zelgadiss are both gone and replaced with two new-comers.

Buttske was originally a human male created by my close friend Caleb "Buttske" Breske. After moving away from my hometown, I kept the character alive. After playing him to level cap and gearing him, I realized that he needed a change or I wasn't going to be able to keep playing him. Especially since Caleb himself stop going by "Buttske," I decided to do a re-character customization. He went from being a gremlin-mouthed, ginger, human male.. To a pixie-cut, lean, aesthetically-pleasing, female night elf; named Laviana.

Zelgadiss was my originally toon way back when I first started playing World of Warcraft, on my own account. My first true toon was Xardion the Paladin under Corie's account. I played him to level 18 in the week I stayed with her over a break, went back home, bought WoW, and started my own. Xardion eventually got deleted from her account and recreated on my own, and then deleted and recreated again when Death Knights emerged, but we're getting off-topic here.
Corie's computer was pretty crappy back then, so I didn't realize just how Zelgadiss looked until I started playing on a more updated machine. Holy shit, was I ever a horrible character designed. I kept with him until I reached 85, geared him a bit, and then realized.. I seriously couldn't look at his ugly mug anymore. Also, I hate helmets. So I gender-swapped him, because a simple re-customization just wasn't going to fit that gargantuan and ugly night elf male model. He became Sollexi, with a form to match the class.

Maybe if Blizzard ever implements body sizes, I'll change Sollexi back. If night elves could have the lean forms of blood elves, my original idea behind Zelgadiss would work, but until then.. He's a girl.

As of now, only Railene and Arcia haven't gone through some sort of change.
     - Paragon was originally a dwarf named Ilgrid.
     - Xardion was originally a paladin, then he died and became a death knight.
     - We just went over Laviana/Buttske.
     - We just went over Zelgadiss/Sollexi.

These are also all of my current level 85 toons. I have an up-and-coming Horde Paladin, as well as a Draenei Shaman, but to get them to 85.. I'd actually have to play them.

I'm also currently participating in what was originally called the "Hardmode Reroll." Reroll a character on the underdog side of an unbalanced PvP server and level it to 85 and become a progressively competitive guild in the raiding and PvP scene. That character is currently level 34. I should create progress blog-posts about her. I probably will, to keep my goal in mind as I play her.

So.. a revamp of new content, new ideas, and more information. Looks like this blog now has something for me to actually work with and toward. Hurray goals!


2012 has occurred. Which brings around another cycle of holidays..

I never finished last year's holidays. I think my best solution to this particular situation is to cut-off all of the posts I was making for last year and start fresh and new.

I find this course of action to be the best. Also, I can still go back and do previews and my own personal feelings about the released patches, which doesn't need a time-frame.

Any opinions?