Sunday, March 8, 2015

The S.E.L.F.I.E. Files

With the release of Patch 6.1, Blizzard also released a variety of new toys. This particular post is dedicated to a single item (and it's Toy equivalent) in pursuit of an achievement that requires the use of one of the two items being used at each location.

We are, of course, talking about the newly implemented S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera and/or the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera MkII. Once you've picked up the original from the garrison mission Field Photography, you can start taking those fantastic selfies, but if you're looking for FILTERS, you've gotta pick up another garrison mission, Lens Some Hands, to get your hands on the S.E.L.F.I.E. Lens Upgrade Kit to upgrade to the Toy form of the camera.

The Toy form comes with extra options to add filters to your shots! We're all Instagram in this bitch now! You've got the infamous Black and White Filter, the artistic Sketch Filter, and the always popular Death Filter.

With either camera in hand, it's time to start working toward turning yourself into a professional. The only way to make this happen? World-wide selfies at all of the hottest locations. Time to make you a Field Photographer.

There are 44 S.E.L.F.I.E.s, so I'm going to drop a break in the page here, so you can load it separately. These were all taken before I picked up the S.E.L.F.I.E. Lens Upgrade Kit, so.. #sorry #nofilter #selfie

Monday, March 2, 2015

Post-Lunar Festival '15

And the Lunar Festival has finally come to a close.. Though, watching a bunch of people trying to spawn Omen in the final few moments of the Holiday is a pretty amusing sight. And very loud. So many fireworks all at once.

Paragon: Elder of '09.
Railene: Elder of '10.
Xardion: Elder of '10.
Laviana: Elder of '11.
Arcia: Elder of '11.
Sollexi: Elder of '12.

Monk: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Completed 50 Coins of Ancestry and all previous versions, Elders of Eastern KingdomsElders of KalimdorElders of the Alliance and Elders of the Horde. Purchased all Engineering recipes from vendor. Other priorities got in the way of full completion, 100% possibility of completion in '16.

Shaman: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 75-80% possibility of completion in '16.

Hunter: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 25-50% possibility of completion in '16

Warrior: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 85-90% possibility of completion in '16.

Warlock: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Other priorities got in the way of full completion, 100% possibility of completion in '16.

Warrior II: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 15-25% possibility of completion in '16.

Paladin: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 0% possibility of completion in '16.

Horde Paladin: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Other priorities got in the way of full completion, 95% possibility of completion in '16.

Horde Warrior: Unofficial Elder of '12 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 40% possibility of completion in '16

I was going to go further and branch out off of my main server, but I decided that would be pushing it.