Sunday, March 8, 2015

The S.E.L.F.I.E. Files

With the release of Patch 6.1, Blizzard also released a variety of new toys. This particular post is dedicated to a single item (and it's Toy equivalent) in pursuit of an achievement that requires the use of one of the two items being used at each location.

We are, of course, talking about the newly implemented S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera and/or the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera MkII. Once you've picked up the original from the garrison mission Field Photography, you can start taking those fantastic selfies, but if you're looking for FILTERS, you've gotta pick up another garrison mission, Lens Some Hands, to get your hands on the S.E.L.F.I.E. Lens Upgrade Kit to upgrade to the Toy form of the camera.

The Toy form comes with extra options to add filters to your shots! We're all Instagram in this bitch now! You've got the infamous Black and White Filter, the artistic Sketch Filter, and the always popular Death Filter.

With either camera in hand, it's time to start working toward turning yourself into a professional. The only way to make this happen? World-wide selfies at all of the hottest locations. Time to make you a Field Photographer.

There are 44 S.E.L.F.I.E.s, so I'm going to drop a break in the page here, so you can load it separately. These were all taken before I picked up the S.E.L.F.I.E. Lens Upgrade Kit, so.. #sorry #nofilter #selfie

Shadowmoon Valley, Temple of Karabor
"Look toward the (alternate) future."

Talador, Instance: Auchindoun
"A ray of hope."

Nagrand, Throne of the Elements

"Just normal sibling rivalry."

[A] Eastern Kingdoms, Stormwind
"Not a park in sight!"

Stormwind/Ironforge, Deeprun Tram
"Missed it for a selfie."

Duskwood, Darkshire
"Pray for the Night's Watch."

Westfall, Westfall Lighthouse
"Guide us on till tomorrow."

Westfall, Instance: The Deadmines
"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Cape of Stranglethorn, Gurubashi Arena
"No-Man's Land. Literally."

Cape of Stranglethorn, Janeiro's Point
"ARRR. My booty!"

Blasted Lands, The Dark Portal
"Green? Red? Still orcs."

Deadwind Pass, Instance: Karazhan
"Butler bombed."

Burning Steppes/Searing Gorge, Blackrock Mountain
"Blackrock? Pfft. Wimps."

Wetlands, Valley of Kings
"Stand before the kings of the past."

Wetlands/Arathi Highlands, Thandol Span
"A bridge broken, a span intact."

Hillsbrad Foothills, Ravenholdt Manor
"There's a rogue in this picture somewhere."

Western Plaguelands, Uther's Tomb
"A true Light of Dawn."

Western Plaguelands, Hearthglen
"Forever the Argent Dawn."

Eastern Plaguelands, Light's Hope Chapel
"Forever in the light, even when covered by darkness."

Kalimdor, Moonglade
"He likes us-ies."

Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
"No Archimonde-bomb!"

[H] Durotar, Orgrimmar
"Lok'tar ogar!"

Durotar, Echo Isles

Dustwallow Marsh, Instance: Onyxia's Lair
"Not on farm. She gets to keep her kids."

Tanaris, Caverns of Time
"Hadron what?"

Uldum, Halls of Origination
"Reply Code: Alpha."

Un'goro Crater, The Shaper's Terrace
"Where's Watcher Tyr?!"

Silithus, The Scarab Dais
"Left my Scepter in my other bags."

Felwood, The Twin Colossals
"I've seen bigger."

Hellfire Peninsula, Throne of Kil'jaeden
"There isn't even a place to sit down."

Terokkar Forest, Shattrath City
"Blessed be the Naaru."

Netherstorm, The Stormspire
"Ethereals overcharge."

Crystalsong Forest, Dalaran
"You can SEE Rhonin shouting."

Howling Fjord, Daggercap Bay
"Sky surfing harpoons?!"

Dragonblight, Instance: Naxxramas
"Forever a One Hundred Club Member."

Dragonblight, Wyrmrest Temple
"Life-Binder and her consort."

Wintergrasp, Wintergrasp Fortress
"Huggalon's mean, older brothers live here."

Icecrown, Instance: Icecrown Citadel; The Frozen Throne
"Winter is coming."

Pandaria, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
"Eternally ruined."

Valley of the Four Winds, Sunsong Ranch
"Do you even farm?!"

Krasarang Wilds, Turtle Beach
"Just wandering.."

Kun-Lai Summit, Mount Neverest
"It's a long way down."

Deepholm, Deathwing's Fall
"Even an Aspect needs to learn how to clean up after himself."

Vashj'ir, Vashj'ir
"Least it's not a whale shark."

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