Friday, June 12, 2015

Topping the Charts

With the release of Patch 6.1, Blizzard released a ton of new Toys to be gathered up by those looking to put in the effort to go obtain all of the shiny new things. Much like with the post specific to the Field Photography achievement involving the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera/S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera MkII, this particular post is going to be specific toward acquiring the Portable Audiophone and it's related achievement.

Now, unlike the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera, the Garrison Jukebox is originally acquired from a standard quest line to gather up five pieces of mechanical equipment necessary to build your machine within your Garrison. After that's completed, you can start heading to multiple locations to gather up additional "music rolls" to add to your musical selection. The Portable Audiophone will be acquired once you've gathered twenty total music rolls for your Jukebox. There are more than twenty and I will cover all of them here, so you can keep farming them up even after you've picked up your Toy.

First up, we need to unlock your new Garrison Jukebox. You need to have your Garrison upgrade to the third tier. If that's done, just outside of your Town Hall, you're going to find Fix "Smallie" Biggswrench/Drix Bassbolter. These gentlemen are the key to "dropping the bass," as it were. Grab their offering: Bringing the Bass / Bringing the Bass.

With the completion of your Garrison Jukebox, you are already six songs into the twenty required to pick up your new Toy. From here on out, it's time for some traveling and (potentially lots of) farming. Some of these are going to be from standard vendors, a lot of them are going to be picked up from inside of raids and they are not 100% drop rates, so you might be making multiple trips out to certain locations.

Eastern Kingdoms - Starting from the most Southern spot and heading north.
  • Music Roll: Angelic : The chest that drops in the Gurubashi Arena at every third hour interval is where you are going to find this particular music roll. Good luck, you are going to need it, as some people are also still farming for the trinket that comes from here as well. Double the motivation to be here at every Arena Treasure Chest drop.
  • [H] Music Roll: Zul'Gurub Voodoo : This one is Horde specific. You need to head into Zul'Gurub, which is a level 85 Heroic dungeon. Kill the final boss, Jin'do the Godbreaker, for a chance at this music roll to be added to your collection.
  • Music Roll: Karazhan Opera House : Make your way through Karazhan until you get to the Opera section. No matter what boss spawns, they all have a chance to drop this music roll. If you get The Big Bad Wolf, you also have the chance for one of the raid pets; Spiky Collar.
  • Music Roll: Ghost : Head down into the Raven Hill Cemetery in Duskwood. Kill yourself, either from falling to your death, or from mobs in the area (if you want to wait that long). In the north-eastern side of the cemetery, you are going to come across the Forlorn Composer. Speak with him to gain this music roll.
  • Music Roll: Legends of Azeroth : Head into the Cataclysm raid Blackwing Descent and navigate and fight your way to the very last boss. Nefarian is your target. Defeat him on any difficulty and he has the potential to drop this music roll. It's not 100%, so you might need to farm him on a weekly basis.
  • [A] Music Roll: Tinkertown : This one is also Alliance specific. Take a trip down to Gnomeregan and collect some Grime-Encrusted Object from the various enemies. Once you've got quite a few, head down into the Clean Zone and use one of The Sparklematic 5200. Your goal is the Sparklematic-Wrapped Box, which is where you'll eventually find your music roll.
  • [A] Music Roll: Cold Mountain : This one is Alliance specific. Make a stop while you're in Ironforge over at the Forlorn Cavern and try and fish this up in the small lake present there. You might even get lucky and fish up Old Ironjaw while you're trying to hook this music roll out of the water.
  • Music Roll: Lament of the Highborne : This one is not faction specific, so Alliance is going to have to work hard for this one. You have to head inside Undercity to the very room that Lady Sylvanas Windrunner stands in. Once there, you're after the Sylvanas' Strongbox sitting on the floor behind the pillar to her right. Like all other chests, you can't be invulnerable or being attacked to be able to open it, but guards are on constant patrol. Might be best to find a group for this one, as doing it solo is a repetitious corpse run.
  • Music Roll: Faerie Dragon : Off in the mountainous area in the west, south of the lake, there is a small glade at 17, 67 where you will see some fey darters. The dragons spawn roughly every 15 minutes and the event lasts for around 3 minutes, the Faerie Dragon Nest is available until the event is over, so don't hesitate to snatch it up.

Kalimdor - Starting from the most Northern spot and heading south.
  • Music Roll: Shalandis Isle : Much like the roll in Undercity, this music roll is located inside the Temple of the Moon inside Darnassus, so Horde are going to have a harder time with this one. The High Priestess' Reliquary is up near where Tyrande Whisperwind stands, sitting on the wall up against the wall of the temple.
  • Music Roll: Mountains : In the southern portion of Winterspring, there are some Elven ruins of old temples scattered throughout the mountainside. You're looking for some Frozen Supplies resting on the windowsill of one of these broken temples. It's located at 68, 73, or straight east of the caves.
  • Music Roll: Magic : Down in Ashenvale, the Raynewood Retreat lost one of its sentinels. That sentinel lost her pouch. That's what you're looking for, a Lost Sentinel's Pouch. Exact coordinates are 56, 49, but just check into Raynewood Retreat if you don't have a coordinates addon, it's a small bag on the ground.
  • [H] Music Roll: Mulgore Plains : This one is Horde specific. While visiting Thunder Bluff, drop in on the Spirit Rise and head down into the cave that leads to the Pool of Visions. While there, just do a little bit of fishing until you snag yourself this music roll.
  • Music Roll: The Shattering : Drop in on the Caverns of Time, because we're going dragon hunting! Head into the Dragon Soul raid, the final raid of the Cataclysm expansion. Defeat all of the bosses on your way to Deathwing. Defeating the mighty dragon has a chance for the music roll to appear in the Elementium Fragment.

Outlands - Head to Shadowmoon Valley.

Northrend - Starting from the Eastern side and going west.
  • Music Roll: Totems of the Grizzlemaw : Along the path from Ashwood Post to Aspen Grove Post, a rather jolly fellow by the name of Remington Brode is taking a stroll. He has quite a walk, as it takes ~45 minutes to get from one post to the other. He is your mark. Once you do find him, he asks you a couple questions. The correct responses are: "<Breathe deeply.>", "I'm looking for a song...", "A song about the wilderness.", "Yes, please!" or (2-1-3-2.)
  • Music Roll: Wrath of the Lich King : With the changes to Naxxramas, this is nearly as bad as it once was. You only need to clear Sapphiron to gain access to Kel'Thuzad, who is the one that has a chance to drop this music roll. But, while you're in Naxxramas, why not knock a few pets off of your pet list? Gluth's Bone, Dusty Clutch of Eggs, and Blighted Spore all drop inside Naxxramas.
  • Music Roll: Mountains of Thunder : To Storm Peaks is where we head next. We're making a stop at the Halls of Lightning! Another final-boss of a dungeon drop, so make your way through the Halls until you meet up with Loken. For farming purposes, this can drop on normal, so if your unlucky, you don't have to wait a day to run it again on Heroic.
  • Music Roll: The Argent Tournament : Slide on over to Icecrown and stop in at the Argent Tournament. This one can be bought, literally, from any quartermaster. As long as you've unlocked their wares. It only costs 25 Champion's Seal. Pretty easy, right? The next one isn't.
  • Music Roll: Invincible : Hail to the king, baby. We're heading to the Icecrown Citadel. The final raid of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The Lich King himself drops this music roll, and yes, you still have to clear the rest of the raid to gain access to the Frozen Throne. Luckily for non-heals, the Valithria Dreamwalker encounter can be skipped.

Pandaria - Starting from the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and heading south.
  • Music Roll: Song of Liu Lang : You're going to need to know how to fly on Pandaria to be able to snag this one. You need to head up to the top of the Mogu'shan Palace and speak with The Lorewalkers Quartermaster Tan Shin Tiao. She sells this music roll for 100g. Remember, you need to be Revered with The Lorewalkers to unlock it.
  • Music Roll: Heart of Pandaria : This one is just a hop and a skip from the Mogu'shan Palace, inside the Terrace of Endless Spring. You need to vanquish the first three bosses to be able to get to the Sha of Fear, who is the holder o this particular roll. You might need a group of friends for this one, personal class depending.
  • [A] Music Roll: High Seas : This one is Alliance specific and the opposite to the War March. You need to head into the Krasarang Wilds and stop in at Lion's Landing. Proveditor Grantly has a hold of this roll and he's willing to part with it for 500 Domination Point Commission. Get to slaying the Horde in the nearby area if you don't have enough. If you're max level, the farm should be easy enough.
  • [H] Music Roll: War March : This one is Horde specific and the opposite to the High Seas. You need to head into the Krasarang Wilds and stop in at Domination Point. Ongrom Black Tooth has a hold of this roll and he's willing to part with it for 500 Lion's Landing Commission. Get to slaying the Alliance in the nearby area if you don't have enough. If you're max level, the farm should be easy enough.

Draenor - Head to Gorgrond.
  • Music Roll: A Siege of Worlds : This one is definitely going to require a group of friends, at least for now. You need to head into the Blackrock Foundry on Draenor. You need to put the hurt on the Blackrock Warlord himself, Blackhand. Though the current data for loot tables shows it having only dropped on LFR and Heroic, it should drop on all difficulties like all of the other rolls from raid bosses.

Darkmoon Island - Only available while the Faire is in town, obviously.

Aside from any additional exploration, battle pet acquiring, rare kills, or raid clearing achievements you might come across while attempting to gather all of these music rolls, there are only two achievements that are actually related to attempting this.

  • Ten Hit Tunes/Ten Hit Tunes : Finishing the quest to even obtain the Garrison Jukebox nets you seven rolls right off the bat. You just need to put in a little effort to grab three, any three, and this achievement is yours.
  • Azeroth's Top Twenty/Azeroth's Top Twenty : If you followed the guide I put together for you, this shouldn't take very long. RNG being merciful, of course. Just keep at it and you'll get your twenty in no time! By completing this one, you do get your Portable Audiophone, so congratulations!

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