Saturday, June 13, 2015

Noblegarden '15

I had done a ton of work on this guide and a week prior to the drop of this Event, I was excited about how much work I'd already done and knew it would be published and out before the Holiday launched. And then a week later, the Holiday was active and I was staring at an unfinished product. I have no excuses or reasons behind this, it just happened. Augh.. And then I just kind of let the will drain out of me on finishing it until now. Bleh.. WELL HERE YOU GO! At least it'll be finished for next year.

Of all the Holidays in need of a little something more, Noblegarden would be the one that is the most desperate. But I digress, I am still excited about all of the updates that Blizzard has been putting in towards the other Holidays that have been around longer and were severely lacking.

Just like all of the previous years, the main objective of this Holiday is the collection of the Brightly Colored Egg placed all around the starting areas. For the Alliance, that means Azure Watch, Dolanaar, Goldshire, and Kharanos For the Horde, that means Bloodhoof Village, Brill, Falconwing Square, and Razor Hill. Most of the towns have a small area where you can effectively camp out and have access to 4-5 eggs in a very small location.

Since so little has changed, we are again using the template from last year's event and just sprucing it up to be more accurate (and better written!) and maybe give a little bit better information and helpful tips. Cause we like tips 'round here!

Since the spawn points are going to be the same for the Brightly Colored Egg as they were in the years before, I will be spending my time in two locations: Goldshire behind the inn in the garden and/or in Dolanaar making "rounds". As suggested in previous incarnations of this guide, if you have terrible targeting skills, stick to camping. If you're good on the run, use the "rounds" method.

Just like all of the other Holidays available, this one also has it's own assortment of quests.
And there you have it. You're done with the quests. NOW COLLECT THAT CHOCOLATE, AND DON'T EAT ALL OF IT. Find your respective Noblegarden vendor of choice and prepare to spend a lot of chocolate on random cosmetic things.
New additions to the vendors also include some additional eggs that you purchase for gold. These let you put down eggs that look just like the regular eggs, but you obtain gold currency in place of the Noblegarden Chocolate.
Remember! Most of the items available from the vendor can, and more than likely will, show up inside of the Brightly Colored Egg while you are farming up the necessary amount of Noblegarden Chocolate to collect all of items available. So while, yes, you need over a thousand Noblegarden Chocolate to purchase everything, you aren't going to be purchasing everything by the end of your gathering. I can almost 100% guarantee that.

With all that egg hunting and chocolate scarfing, you're hungry for more to do! Complete the slew of achievements for this Holiday to grant yourself the title of 'the Noble' with the completion of the meta achievement: Noble Gardener.
  • Blushing Bride : Don your Sunday Best and find yourself a partner Dressed for the Occasion and pucker up. The person wearing the dress does not get the achievement, but if you're worried about that, just trade items and do it all over again!
  • Chocolate Lover/Chocoholic : Devour 25 Noblegarden Chocolate. Devour 100 Noblegarden Chocolate. Try not to choke. Try not to die. It's chocolate. BREATHE. OH GOD.
  • Desert Rose : Slip into the Spring Robes and get ready to take a trip around Azeroth! When you use the Spring Robes, you plant a flower. Your goal here is to head over to a few deserts and plant some flowers. Hit up the Badlands on Eastern Kingdoms, then head over to Kalimdor. You need to hit up Desolace, Thousand Needles, Tanaris, and Silithus, which are all on the southern portion of Kalimdor. Don't rush those Kalimdor deserts, your Spring Robes cooldown is 1 minute.
  • Hard Boiled : This one requires the company of a friend or a random passerby that just happens to have a Blossoming Branch. Either way, you need to head over to Un'Goro Crater and step into the Golakka Hot Springs while turned into a bunny and wait to lay an egg. You could also set your hearthstone to Marshal's Stand, get turned into a bunny in one of the towns, and then hearth and run there. If you get into combat though, the disguise fails and you have to start over. Find a friend, it'll be faster.
  • I Found One! : So you noticed those eggs on the ground, eh? Picked one up, did ya?
  • Noble Garden/Noble Garden : Partake in the fun! Place your very own Noblegarden Egg in Stormwind City, if you're Alliance, or Silvermoon City, if you're Horde. Don't forget to pick it back up once you've placed it, you might get something fancy back. Or just more Noblegarden Chocolate. Probably more Noblegarden Chocolate.
  • Shake Your Bunny-Maker : Use the Spring Flowers you got from the vendor, or the eggs, and find yourself some level 18 honeys. You need to use the Spring Flowers on a female of every race that is level 18+ to gain credit for the achievement. Sadly, the Spring Flowers have a 5 minute cooldown, so don't try and go too fast.
  • Spring Fling/Spring Fling : Use your Spring Rabbit's Foot companion pet and help the little guy/girl find love. Not the monogamist kind of love, though.
    • Alliance: Goldshire outside Stormwind City, Kharanos in Dun Morogh, Dolanaar in Teldrassil, and Azure Watch on Azuremyst Isle.
    • Horde: Razor Hill in Durotar, Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore, Brill in Tirisfal Glades, and Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.
  • Sunday's Finest : Crack open those Brightly Colored Egg until you've got yourself a hot sticky mess of White Tuxedo Shirt and Black Tuxedo Pants. To complete this, you actually have to get them out of the eggs, you can't purchase or trade for them to get the credit.
  • Dressed for the Occasion : Don't stop with the suit, go for the Elegant Dress, too. To complete this, you actually have to get it out of the eggs, you can't purchase or trade for it to get the credit.
Two pets for this Holiday, but only one gets to roll around in the dirt.
When your down gorging yourself on Noblegarden Chocolate, maybe we can have a sit down for the follow-up.

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