Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Post-Lunar Festival '16

I was prepared and ready for Lunar Festival as soon as it began, as proven through me having the guide put up an entire day in advance to the actual Holiday. I spent a lot of time actually doing the achievements this year with some of the characters that were furthest from acquiring their meta-achievements.

We'll see just how well I did and who I need to focus on for next year's version. Maybe we'll have some new content next year as well, since Legion should be released by then.

Paragon the Warrior: Elder of '09.
Railene the Paladin: Elder of '10.
Xardion the Death Knight: Elder of '10.
Laviana the Mage: Elder of '11.
Arcia the Druid: Elder of '11.
Sollexi the Rogue: Elder of '12.
Ferenan the Monk: Elder of '16. Completed Elders of NorthrendElders of CataclysmElders of the DungeonsFrenzied FirecrackerThe Rocket's Red GlareLunar Festival Finery, and Elune's Blessing in '16.
Yesira the Blood Knight: Elder of '16. All achievements completed.

Shaman: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Hunter: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Warrior: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Secondary account is currently inactive, 0% possibility of completion in '17.

Warlock: Warrior: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Secondary account is currently inactive, 100% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Warrior II: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Secondary account is currently inactive, 0% possibility of completion in '17.

Paladin: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Secondary account is currently inactive, 0% possibility of completion in '17.

Horde Warrior: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 25% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Paladin II: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 25% possibility of completion in '17, unless new content is added in Legion.

Mage: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 0% possibility of completion in '17.

Warrior III: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 0% possibility of completion in '17.

Druid: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 0% possibility of completion in '17.

Hunter II: Unofficial Elder of '09 due to account-wide achievements. Current level is restricting completion of all achievements, 0% possibility of completion in '17.

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